
Telenor welcomes five new participants in the Open Mind program for people with disabilities


Five new employees will start working in Telenor as part of the Open Mind program for people with disabilities. The news was announced today by Telenor Chief Executive Officer Mr. Michael Foley.
The opening event was also attended by Telenor Chief Human Resources Officer Mr. Brad Byblow and the Deputy Minister of Labour and Social Policy Mrs. Denitsa Sacheva who was a special guest (TBC).
‘For us at Telenor, Open Mind is about equal opportunities, not about image or savings. We use no tax benefits and we have no financial incentive to do this program. We do it because we believe it’s necessary as it benefits all - the organization, the participants and the society as a whole. So, I am extremely happy that other companies have already expressed interest in the program and I surely expect more businesses will soon follow our lead’, Mr. Foley said.
‘Last year was the inaugural Open Mind program in Bulgaria and the feedback received, both internally and externally, has been very positive. Our first 5 participants have been with Telenor for just over one year now and have demonstrated that people with disabilities are a strong and contributing member of the labor force. Today I am pleased to welcome our new five Open Mind colleagues and wish them great success and enjoyment in Telenor’, Mr. Byblow commented.
‘This program is extremely important and positive as it combines firstly the policy for social inclusion of people with disabilities, which needs to be done exactly via employment; secondly, the corporate social responsibility; and thirdly, the fight against prejudice, which is essential for the Bulgarian society. I believe this fight is one of the prerequisites for achieving common social and public welfare. I would like to congratulate Telenor for the initiative. I hope that other employers will also accept this challenge’, Mrs. Sacheva said.
The initiative gives people with disabilities the opportunity to gain professional qualification and improve their competitiveness in the labour market by working in the company. The participants in this year’s edition will join the Human Resources, Consumer and SOHO Marketing, Administration and Customer Care divisions. 
They will work on a specific project in the respective field for a period of two years and Telenor will provide open and accessible working environment, with equal remuneration package corresponding to the position. During this period, they will be able to enrich their knowledge and acquire new skills, learn from some of Telenor’s best professionals and gain more experience and confidence. After successful completion of the program, Telenor will provide permanent employment or support candidates for securing roles in the market place.
Telenor Bulgaria’s program for people with disabilities is held annually as part of the company’s long-term corporate responsibility strategy and under the Telenor Group Open Mind global initiative. Last year the company welcomed the five participants in the first edition of the program who currently work in the Process Management, Legal Affairs, Finance, Technology and Customer Care divisions.
Telenor Bulgaria is a leading telecommunication company with over 3.5 million active subscribers in Bulgaria. As of end-September 2016, the company’s services are available to 99.92% of Bulgaria’s population, covering 97.15% of the country’s territory, and Telenor 4G network covers approximately 76% of the population. Telenor Bulgaria is part of Telenor Group which operates in 13 countries in Europe and Asia and has 211 million subscribers.